Colorado 2012

Colorado 2012

Monday 29 July 2013


When we went to leave in the morning we got a bit of a surprise. Overnight someone had broken into our car! Our packs were on the front seats and our stuff was all over the place. However we had taken everything of value, including our passports, in with us overnight so nothing important was taken. They only found a couple of British coins, a lantern and a phone car charger, all of which we can definately live without! But we were very lucky and will definitely not be leaving anything at all important in the car again! 
After that we were pretty keen to get out of Milan and very excited to head into Switzerland. 

Switzerland is absolutely spectacular. Driving through the Swiss Alps was incredible. There were bright green meadows, dark green pine forests and then huge snow capped mountains. Every time you looked out the window the view was easily postcard worthy. 
We found a little camping area in the small town of Tasch, which was nestled right in the mountains and not far at all from the famous Matterhorn.

We caught a shuttle up to the ski village of Zermatt, which is a car free city. Zermatt is exactly what you imagine a Swiss ski village would be, and it is absolutely beautiful. It sits in the shadow of the Matterhorn, which it took me a while to realise is the mountain pictured on Toblerone packets! It is an incredible mountain, which is still snow covered in the peak of summer.
Our afternoon in Zermatt made us realise just how expensive Switzerland is going to be, even a small Big Mac meal cost around $13. Although it’s going to be expensive, we have fallen in love with Switzerland, and Sam was extra happy when we swapped some Euro for Swiss Franc. 

Finally we had a cold night! We sat reading and listening to the other people staying there, who all seemed to be pretty serious mountaineers. It was the first time in a long time that we had to put on tracksuit pants and jumpers while we were having dinner, and we loved it. 

We took our time packing up and leaving in the morning, but made sure the tent was away before the sun made it over the mountains and the temperature started to climb into the 30’s.


The Matterhorn


Tasch - Our campsite

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