Colorado 2012

Colorado 2012

Tuesday 30 July 2013


Once again it was a spectacular drive through the mountains, on very windy roads.
At one point we found a heap of cars all parked around an information center, so we decided to stop there and have a look what all the fuss was about. Turns out that we were at the foot of a huge glacier! 
We were able to walk down into the glacier, which had an incredible ice cave.
The view of the mountains from here was amazing, as was the huge pool of bright blue water at the bottom of the glacier which lead into a waterfall.
Walking through the ice cave was awesome, it was freezing cold and gave everything an eery blue tinge. In the room you could see huge crevices . It was an amazing thing to walk though and once we left the cave we walked out onto the glacier!
The whole thing was incredible to have stumbled on, it was one of the coolest things we have ever done.

We continued our drive through the mountains, with plenty of stops to enjoy the spectacular views. Gradually we made our way down to the lakeside city of Lucerne, which was a gorgeous little city, with a medieval old town. It was a bit of a shock getting there and stepping out into 35 degree heat, compared to the 19 degrees we had come from!
We had a very relaxed night with a nice walk along the lake, trying to keep cool.
An early morning and we were packed and ready to go before the heat came in. We spent the morning wandering through the old town, although nothing in Switzerland is open on a Sunday. 

It was a quick drive into Zurich, where we spent some time looking for a place to stay. In the end we found a small caravan park about 15 mins into the country side and camped there. 
Here we camped through our first thunderstorm! It poured with rain all night and we had to pack up the tent in the pouring rain too.
We got everything into the car and headed for a small town on the Austrian border, a short drive from then small country of Liechtenstein. 

The place we stayed was just a small little bed and breakfast style hotel, it was cosy, and perfect for our first night in Austria. There was a small restaurant downstairs where we had a lovely dinner of weiner schnitzel.



Ice Cave

Ice Cave





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