Colorado 2012

Colorado 2012

Friday 12 July 2013


Three countries in one day!
Our morning began early in France as we drove along the stunning coastline between Nice and the tiny country of Monaco, and by the end of the day we were in Italy!

Monaco was insane, everywhere you look is money.
Every other car that drives by is a Ferrari or an Aston Martin, and the average car is a BMW, Porsche or Mercedes!
The older buildings are very influenced by the French and are gorgeous, however the big high rise hotels are beginning to look very outdated, but I suppose the people with money prefer to stay on their million dollar yachts anyway!
The yachts here were absolutely ridiculous, one even had a helicopter perched on top! Most of the boats were bigger than my house, came with a full crew and usually two smaller speed boats which were kept on board. It was crazy.
It's hard to believe that the one city of Monte Carlo, takes up the whole country, it is the second smallest country in the world. It was an amazing place to visit, but it was only a quick visit and by 9:30 we were headed for Italy!

From what we have seen so far, Italian drivers aren't as bad as we have heard.. Although we haven't hit Rome yet.
Pisa is a lovely little university city. We spent the afternoon by the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which really is quite a sight. It's amazing that this little city is so famous just because a big mistake. It's kind of strange to look at, a huge building lopsided. However it is quite a nice building, even without the lean.
The weather is really nice, around 30, but I'm sure it will only get hotter and hotter as we head further south.
For our first night here we decided we had to have pizza and pasta, so Sam got a pizza and I got lasagne.

A big 5 hour drive down to Rome tomorrow. But at least we will have a few days there and in a B&B too!

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