Colorado 2012

Colorado 2012

Thursday 4 July 2013

San Sebastian/Barcelona

Spain is perfect.
We spent three days and nights in the beautiful city of San Sebastian. Our day on the beach drinking sangria was very nice. It was only around 21 or 22 degrees but it felt much warmer and there was barely any wind and plenty of sun.
Dinner was absolutely amazing, we decided to try our luck with Spanish tapas, We understood nothing on the menu but we somehow managed to decide on the perfect selection and everything was delicious. Even I liked it all. Mixed with a glass of sangria and a table outside by the beach, it was a perfect spanish dinner. 
Our last day in San Sebastian was spent exploring the old quarter. Filled with small shops and tapas bars set in beautiful old spanish style buildings, the old quarter was spectacular.
There was a slight issue though. As we wandered through we discovered a huge parade going on. This was one of the creepiest things I have seen. People in huge doll type costumes danced around to live music, but the costumes were of things like the devil and all different strange and creepy looking men and women. There were even some people dressed up in costumes who carried blown up and dried animal parts tied onto sticks, these guys ran around through the crowd hitting people! I got hit a heap of times on the bum and they even chased after us one time to hit us.
Other than the crazy parade, it was a nice way to finish our time here.
A long day in the car driving highways, we made it to Barcelona.

We decided to camp in Barcelona, and found a caravan park about half an hour out of the city, literally on the beach. The place was perfect, and by the end of our few days here, the guy at the supermarket already new us and we didn’t really want to leave. We probably could have stayed there for the next two months and been perfectly content. 

We did go into the city and spent some time exploring. We took a trip on the Barcelona Subway, which we didn’t even now existed and wandered through the beautiful city centre, lined with trees and spread around a plaza with a huge fountain. Hundreds of people were out and about in the city and the place had an amazing atmosphere. We found a great little english bookstore and we now have a little library growing, but at the rate we are reading, we will need another stop pretty soon.
We missed our stop on the bus home, and the reasonably short journey turned into quite the saga, but we got home safe and sound an hour and a half later than expected.

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