Colorado 2012

Colorado 2012

Sunday 23 June 2013


Our last day in London was quite a relaxing one. We had done most of what we wanted to do, all we had left to do was the London Eye! 
It was actually a warm summers day for London, with a top of 25 degrees. One lady was telling me how horrible it was, that it was just sweltering! It was warm, but mainly just because it had been so cold the days before. 

The London Eye really is an amazing thing. It's a brilliant way to see London, and you really can see everything from that position. It was the perfect end to our stay in the UK. 
We had one final thing to experience before we left London, we went to see Matt Corby at a venue called KOKO. It was absolutely awesome, he has such an amazing voice, we both left thinking that was probably the best show we had ever been too. Though I wasn't a huge fan beforehand, I most definitively am now. 
He was so shy and blunt too. At one point he just goes "you don't have to scream so much, your not achieving anything", and he just shook his head when people would scream out during the intimate moments of his acoustic songs. It was great to be able to see a concert while we were in London and we were both glad it was Matt Corby we saw.  

Another very early rise, and we are off on the bullet train to Paris! 

What an amazing city Paris is! We had a very short time there (hopefully we will have more time later on) but we both fell in love with the city. Neither can understand an of the negative things we had heard. It's beautiful, and so different to anywhere else we have ever been. The buildings a absolutely gorgeous! 
It was a huge journey to get to our little room, a long walk with heavy packs and some rides on very full subways! But we got the in the end, and after we dropped our bags, we were able to spend some time exploring the city. 
We went to the 'Tour Eiffel' which really is quite a site, it's hard to believe its really there after seeing it so often in movies or photos. 
Then we wandered along the river Seine taking in the spectacular views. Huge, extravagant buildings are everywhere and there a lovely big green trees and parks all over. 

We almost fell victim to a scam, but a very nice taxi driver helped us out! 
Baguettes and Nutella for breakfast, then off to pick up the car!

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