Colorado 2012

Colorado 2012

Thursday 20 June 2013


Day two in London we want to see Queen Liz at Buckingham Palace. Though we were a little disappointed about not being able to hassle any of the guards, the palace was well worth the visit. It's huge! I think I could see myself in a place like that.. I'll have to try and find Prince Harry.. 

I dragged Sam through the wonderful place that is Harrods! If only I had of had money, I would have blown it all. Though we didn't leave with any Harrods bags in our hands, we did visit the Godiva Chocolate Cafe on the top floor. A brownie, chocolate ganache and ice cream drink and $26 later, we left Harrods feeling a little guilty but content. 
We also stopped by Kings Cross Station, for a Harry Potter fix at Platform 9 3/4! I got a photo with the trolley on the wall and tried and failed to convince Sam that I really really needed a Slytherin Quidditch jumper (£70).  
Our hostel in Bayswater was pretty good, and we had nice roommates. One guy, from Nigeria, was here on a conference trip and his accommodation had been booked for him thinking it was a hotel! The poor guy! 
Despite it being a pretty good one, hostels aren't the most comfortable places, so it was nice to head to a hotel after two nights there. Even if it was an easyHotel. 

We thought we would never return to an easyHotel, but the call of a private room with no weird strangers sleeping in the bunks around us was too much. Plus we were able to get a more superior room which had an actual window! 

Day three we decided to do something different and we bought tickets for a hop on-hop off double decker bus tour. It was awesome! We were able to see everything, unlike on the tube where we had just been popping up at different attractions and missing other parts of the city. We were able to learn a bit more about the history of things as well. 
We drove over Tower Bridge and jumped off the bus at the Tower of London. The bridge was an awesome thing to see. 
The Tower of London was also a really cool place. Many Kings had lived there and we discovered some interesting things. Some of the animals that were kept in the tower were crazy, as was the way they were looked after. There were lions, tigers, monkeys, bears, ostriches and snakes just to name a few. 
One bear died from his diet of cake and bread, snakes were wrapped in blankets and put in the oven to keep warm and two tigers killed a lion when the gate separating was left open! 
Also at the Tower of London are the Crown Jewels. This was my favorite part! 
The coronation crowns for each monarch really are spectacular. Some have over 2,000 diamonds! The vaults here hold two of the biggest diamonds in the world, one in the Queen Mothers crown and one in Queen Liz's. 
There is also the coronation spoon... It's a pretty spectacular, old gold spoon that had been around for ages, but I'm just not sure about the significance of the spoon.
It was quite a journey to get back to the easyHotel but we got there in the end and we met a very nice bus driver along the way. 

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